SERENDI-PV partners have developed innovative software tools to deal with the PV reliability (monitor and diagnosis faults at utility-large, medium-size and residential) for innovative PV technologies.


Collaboration calls will be opened on COPLASIMON on the following topics:

Bifacial PV : Open

Floating PV Open

Soiling Open

Residential PV and BIPV Open

PV Degradation : Opening in Summer

Financial Tools for PV  Opening in Summer


These tools require validation using experimental data from stakeholders. That is why COPLASIMON will open collaboration calls to open the SERENDI-PV tools to the external stakeholders.

Several calls will be opened on the webpage and, for the data provider selected, we will offer:

A free QC of the data
Data analytics
Reports with the main results and recommendations

partners teasers


Any doubt about the rules? Check the documents of each call in which the collaboration is detailed.

The list of the document to participate in the call include:

  1. Formulary for participating in the call

how to participate?

Please send an email to the to complete the formulary for participating in the call and you will receive support for completing the rest of the documents.

FAQ (Frequently asked questions)

Please send your questions to Simone Vitale ( We will post relevant questions and answers below for everyone’s information.