An online round-table and open discussion for soiling was organized to introduce the innovations in SerendiPV, get feedback and encourage collaboration for data sharing.
As part of the event, the innovations on soling determination within SerendiPV were introduced.
Jorge Solórzano presented QPV, E-dust soling sensor
Jorge Solórzano obtained his PhD degree on Solar Energy in 2014 and remained doing Post-Doc research until 2016 when he co-founded two start-ups in the Solar Energy sector: QPV, related with on-site testing and data analytics of large PV plants and Entec Solar, which designs and manufactures innovative hardware equipment for monitoring and testing of PV plants.
Eric Pilat introduced the developments from CEA-INES
Eric Pilat introduced the developments from CEA-INES, in both measuring soiling and analytical method for soiling determination out of PV performance monitoring.
Eric Pilat is a Mechatronics R&D engineer specializing in PV modules and systems, micro-packaging for microelectronics and smart cards, and developing specific high-tech equipment. Since 2008, he has focused on soiling modeling for energy loss quantification, data analysis, field measurement, and imaging, as well as developing specialized equipment and advanced photovoltaic panel technologies. Between 1999 and 2008, he founded a start-up working on micro-assembly processes for various electronics. From 1985 to 1999, he worked on chip-on-film assembly processes for smart cards. He holds a degree from INSA Lyon.
Oliver Osvald presented Solargis methods for data quality assurance and soiling determination.
Oliver Osvald is a Data Scientist at Solargis specialising in PV data analytics and anomaly detection algorithms. He graduated from University College London with a master’s degree in Mathematical Modelling.
Simone Vitale introduced COPLASIMON to the audience
Simone Vitale introduced SerendiPV to the audience and provided information on the open data collaboration.
Simone Vitale is a PhD researcher at the University of Liège, specializing in photovoltaic (PV) systems and energy communities. He holds a master’s degree in Physics from Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB).
Moderation was held by Anna Heimsath, from Fraunhofer ISE. Experts from the industry and academia took part in the round tables: Ralf Siebert, Eduardo Forniés and Laura Méndez (Sonnedix); Ana María Gracia Amillo (CENER); Thore Müller (PVRADAR); Lluvia Ochoa, Damien Cosme and Julien Capon (TotalEnergies).
Anna Heimsath, is head of the department “Analysis of Modules and PV Power Plants” at Fraunhofer ISE. In the department, more than 70 scientists, technicians and students conduct research on novel applications and improved operation of PV technologies. Anna Heimsath has been researching the further development of solar technologies for more than 15 years. She studied production engineering at the University of Bremen and later earned her doctorate in physics, supported by scholarships from the Heinrich Böll Foundation and the Fraunhofer TALENTA programme. She has many years’ experience in the acquisition and management of national (BMWI, BMBF) and international research projects (e.g. EU projects, bilateral projects with China and India) as well as participation in standardisation committees. She leads the IEA PVPS Task 13 Subtask 2 performance and durability of PV applications, including activities on floating pv, agrivoltaics, bifacial+tracker and digitalization.
Round tables:
Ralf Siebert, VP Global QM
Electrical engineer, PhD, 18 years in PV
PV experience: Design and production of solar cells and modules, supplier quality management for all key PV system components.
Eduardo Forniés. PhD,
Senior Supplier Quality Assurance in Sonnedix
22 years of R&D and manufacturing experience in PV. From silicon purification to PV modules manufacturing passing through all steps of the value chain.
Laura Méndez. PhD. Power Plant Component Quality Expert in Sonnedix
15 years of experience in PV, including plant design and engineering, performance evaluation and equipment quality assurance.
Ana María Gracia Amillo
PhD on Renewable Energies. Master on Renewable Energies. Agronomical Engineering degree. Public University of Navarra.
Head of the Development and Integration of PV systems group on the Photo-Electrical and Photovoltaic Innovation and Technological Development Area of the Department of Solar Energy Technologies and Storage of the National Renewable Energy Centre (CENER) in Spain.
Professional experience:
Senior R&D engineer with more than 15 years of international research experience in the field of solar resource estimation and PV system simulation, including nine years on the Energy, Transport and Climate Directorate of the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, in the unit of Energy Efficiency and Renewables, being member of the team developing the online tool PVGIS (Photovoltaic Geographical Information System).
Throughout her professional experience, she has actively participated in various tasks of the International Energy Agency (IEA), and contributed to the development of international standards like the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) Standard 61853 “Photovoltaic (PV) module performance testing and energy rating” Parts 3 and 4 published in 2018. At present she collaborates in the IEC working group responsible for extending the aforementioned Standard series to bifacial modules. She also participated in the preparatory study, launched by the European Commission, for the implementation of European Regulation regarding the EcoDesign and Energy Label policy tools to PV products.
Author of several publications on peer-reviewed journals and conferences.
Member of the scientific committee of the European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (EU PVSEC) and the World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion (WCPEC) in the field of solar resource and forecasting.
Thore Müller. CEO @ PVRADAR | Soiling, Snow & Albedo risk assessment and Cleaning Optimization for large-scale PV.
Lluvia Ochoa (TotalEnergies) has a long track-record on data analytics, modelling and optimisation. She has worked diligently on implementing artificial intelligence and data analytics to recover energy and increase productivity of PV assets at TotalEnergies. She is currently working at the R&D department of TotalEnergies with the objective of using operational data, advanced statistics and optimization to assess the performance of utility PV systems.
Damien Cosme. TotalEnergies solar R&D team – project leader in O&M and specialist of PV in desert environment
Julien Chapon. TotalEnergies solar R&D team – theme leader in performance and O&M