We welcome collaboration on data monitoring and analytics. We offer free data analytics in exchange for monitoring data, which allows us to further develop and validation our novel modelling toolboxes.

SERENDI-PV is currently developing advanced data analytics procedures for the monitored PV data. The main technical objectives are:

1. to develop and integrate in commercial solutions advanced and automated functions for data
analysis, diagnosis and fault diagnosis at PV plant level in both:
a) Utility-large commercial scale PV plants from SCADA monitoring data, including higher
granularity of condition monitoring and specific data analytics for bifacial and floating PV.
b) Medium-size commercial and small-residential scale PV plants from energy meter
measurement data and through the development of a BIPV system digital twin.

2. to develop advanced digital twins for predictive maintenance of the components with the highest
complexity, uncertainty and impact on system reliability in current PV plants: inverter and batteries.

These developments aim to contribute to LCOE reduction through the progress on O&M:
• It will reduce supervision, inspection and preventive labour costs resulting in 20% OPEX reduction.
• It will increase main energy KPIs as Performance Ratio (PR) and Energy Availability.
These new data analytics will also contribute to grid integration by means of:
• A better knowledge about real performance and degradation processes will improve PV predictability
required for grid operation.
• A predictive maintenance of critical components will improve PV reliability avoiding grid

The overall objective of this collaborative work is the failure detection and diagnosis at system and component level:

• At system level developing and integrating in commercial solutions automated early fault detection
and diagnosis toolboxes based on:
o Analysis of energy meter measurements in commercial and residential PV systems.
o Development of a digital twin of BIPV systems.
o Analysis of complementary data including SCADA monitoring with different granularity
levels, testing campaigns, and specific data analytics for bifacial and floating.

• At component level developing advanced digital twins for predictive maintenance of the
components with the highest complexity, uncertainty and impact on system reliability:
o PV inverter
o Energy Storage System (ESS)

How to collaborate: